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"Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in." -B.K.S. Iyengar

Your skin is your body's largest vital organ and has the tough job of protecting your insides from harmful viruses, pollution and bacteria. But we often forget that what we choose to put on our skin — from cosmetics to even laundry detergents — does not stay on the surface. In fact, it has been shown that our skin absorbs at least 60% of the products we use! And these products are then dumped directly into our circulatory system. What a great reason to only use the purest, food-grade ingredients! We choose organic, non-GMO, raw, vegan, whole and high vibration — only the best stuff to love yourself from head to toe! And just as importantly, we do not use anything harmful. This means NO fillers, fragrances, artificial chemicals, preservatives, additives, parabens, alcohol, petroleum, emulsifiers or anything else undesirable for you or your loved ones. Just 100% powerfully pure and gentle ingredients found ONLY in nature.


"With a boundless heart, one should cherish all living beings, radiating kindness over the entire world."
We offer only a few simple products, but there are so many individuals involved in bringing them to you — from the farmers and producers of our ingredients, the manufacturers of our packaging, the beautiful people who create each product by hand and our supportive retailers. We do our best to remain compassionate towards the well-being of all the souls involved. We choose ingredients that are ethically sourced and use Certified Fair Trade Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter. All our products are Certified Vegan and Cruelty-Free to ensure no harm or suffering to animals. Our work environment is positive and peaceful — always making the products by hand in small batches. As we work, we imagine all the beautiful people receiving the healing gifts we have created and we send them many blessings!

"Live gently upon this earth."

Taking care of our planet is very important to us. It requires awareness and taking responsibility for making changes that will support a sustainable future. We choose organic, non-GMO, sustainable agriculture practices, as it causes less harm and pollution to our natural world. We are conscious of the packaging we use — always doing our best to choose recycled, biodegradable, nontoxic supplies and to support companies that have similar values to ours. And we will continue to improve as more earth-conscious options become available. We love our planet so much! It provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil to grow our food. We give it thanks by nurturing it with great kindness and respect.

"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be."
-Dalai Lama
We may only be one small company, but we feel that through conscious business practices, we can do our part to Spread the Love and help create a more peaceful, loving world to live in. Kindness, compassion and awareness are our responsibility! We feel so honored to create these pure products for healthy, happy people and planet! And it's our wish to continue growing our business deeply rooted in love. Thank you so much for your support!